I received an email from WidgetBucks today updating me three important things regarding their new policy. In their email, it stated that because they are seeing strong traffic on their shopping widgets during the Holiday season, they will be implementing three new features which were new International CPM Ads, removing pending data, and payments coming soon.Wow! This is good news to me. Last week, I decided of removing all WidgetBucks widget ads in my blogs because they no longer pay clicks that were performed by non-North America visitors. But today, knowing that they will be implementing International CPM Ads, I think I will place again their widgets in my blogs. I can again increase my earnings online. I am just hoping that their widgets will not cause lags in my blog. Hopefully, they already worked things out and resolved the issue about the Script error everytime their widgets are loading.
I guess it's "Hello again, Widgetbucks!".
By the way, click here if you are interested to join :D