Nowadays, there are too many programs in the Internet that claim we can make money with them. Some are free while others are not. Of course most of us prefer joining the free programs. But don't you know that even free programs are sometimes scam?

We join these programs and do our best effort to reach the minimum payout. Then, the next thing we know, that particular program is nothing but a scam. Isn't it annoying when you just wasted your time with that program and get nothing in the end?

To avoid getting scammed in the future, check out my post on how to check scam programs before joining them. Click here.

If you had already read those tips, then check out the programs listed below. These programs are, in my opinion, scams. These sites either disappeared with no explanation, don't pay, have no advertisers, reset my ID or password.

There is no reason of joining them. If you already joined, then stop being an active member :D
1. Adsbux - Not paying
2. MarketingPond - My username and password cannot be recognized again. This was already the third time!
3. Worldbux - Gone
4. WordLinx - My username and password cannot be recognized.
5. Newbux - No Ads
6. Moneybux - Gone

These are all for now. Check out more scam programs in my future posts.

Be cautious!

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