Ever since I started a journey in making money online, I use most of free time online to find articles or tools as my guide to making money online. I visit one blog from another hoping they can teach me the knowledge on how I can optimize my blog in making money online or how I can maximize my online earnings.
I admit there are some useful blogs out there where the author is willing to teach you. Example of these authors are John Chow and Darren Rowse. However, there are also some blog authors who promise they will teach newbies like us but after reading all their articles, you will just get disappointed. You did not learn a thing or two. Or worse, you did not find anything where you can make money online.In case you are looking for blogs or tools that will help you, I recommend visiting John Chow's and Darren Rowse's blog. They are both great mentors in making money online through blogging. They will give you the tips and knowledge you need.
Lastly, consider this as your guide in your online journey "Learning is not enough. The most important thing is to practice what you learn. Joining in one program or creating a blog will not make you money. What makes you money is your activity. You have to give your best shot."
Good Luck!