Blogging With A PurposeFor the first time in my blogging history here in Make Money Online Free blog, I received an award... not just an ordinary award. It is an absolutely wonderful award that really reflects myself as a blogger.

Here is my award. It is called "Blogging With A Purpose". Wow!!! Thanks to Darlene of The Health Witch for giving me this award. I feel so overwhelmed. I think this is the most treasured award I ever received.

To share the kindness, I would love to give back this award to several bloggers who commented on my blog and also blog with a purpose. If your name appears below, then accept my warm Congratulations. Keep blogging with a purpose :D

1. Space of Reality. This is my personal blog. I pass this award to Space of Reality because I believe this blog has passion and purpose too. Feel free to visit Space of Reality and read my random thoughts :D
2. Personal Blog Money. This is Anneberly's blog. I feel she is also blogging with a purpose. She wants to make money online thru blogging and she is sharing her discoveries to her readers :D
3. GateKeeper's Book and Stuff. She is one of the oldest friend I met in the blogosphere. I remember she helped me when I was a newbie. As a sign of gratitude, I would love to share this award to gatekeeper.
4. My Sassy Mind. This is a friend's blog and I share this award to her because I also believe her blog has a purpose.
5. Make Money With Gusher. I believe Gusher also deserve this award. Check his blog and be the judge :D

Again, congratulations!!!

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