Traffic Is The Queen

QueenOn my recent post, I mentioned about Content is King. Now, let me talk about traffic - which is one of the key ingredients in successful blogging.

In Royal world, when we say King, of course it is expected that he has his Queen, right? Same with blogging... if content is the King, then what is the Queen? The title of this article already said it.

Traffic is the Queen... why?

It's simple. Imagine you wrote and published a book. The book contained interesting stories but because it's only stocked in the publishing factory, you will never make a sale. So how can you get someone to buy your books? You need to distribute the published books to different bookstores so book lovers will be aware about your book.

Same goes with blogging. Even if your blog is interesting, yet no one neither visited nor read your contents, it is as good as nothing. You have to drive visitors and readers to drop at your blog. How? There are a lot of ways. You can submit your blog to Blog Directories and Social Bookmarking sites. You can submit your blog to Search Engines. You can comment to other blogs within your niche. You can ask other bloggers to visit your blog.

There are a lot of ways to drive blog traffic. I will share detailed information as we go along. Right now, it's important to know that Content is King and Traffic is Queen.

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