One excellent way to make money at home is joining auto surf programs. With paid auto surf programs, you can get paid by simply viewing advertisements or websites for a certain amount of time. Sounds too good to be true? No, it is definitely real. You really can make money at home in doing such simple tasks.
Normally, auto surf programs are free to join and open to international members. However, some advertising companies prefer members from US or UK. If you are from these area, you get more advertisements to click rather than a member outside US or UK. One way to maximize earnings with auto surf programs is by the referral system wherein you get commission on each of your referral's earnings.
Normally, auto surf programs accept free and paid membership. Some auto surf programs don't pay their free members. Instead, they earn points and credits which can be used to advertise their very own site for free. However, there are also some who pay their members - either free or paid. Payments are processed after reaching the minimum payout thru check, Paypal, E-Gold, or Alertpay, depending on the company's policy.