"How can I get a lot of referrals?" Another question every Internet money makers - or bloggers - have in mind. I admit, I usually ask this question especially when I was a newbie - I mean during my first two months of blogging. I tried searching Google, even asked some members on different forum web sites for tips on getting referrals. Most of them were able to share useful and helpful ideas while some did not. I mean, some of the tips they provided did not work for me. I compiled them all here... hope they will work for you too.
1. Setup a blog. It doesn't matter if it is a self-hosted, Wordpress, or Blogger blog... as long as you have a blog to put all your referral links. Create quality articles on your blog and submit it to directories related to your niche. I mean if your blog is about making money online, you should submit them in make money directory websites or blog community. Once your blog is getting enough traffic, you can put the referral codes or banners on the sidebar, or create a single post about the program.
2. Forum Signature. Join in as many forum sites and participate to the discussion. Place your referral link on your signature. Remember, do not spam.
3. Submit your blog to paid to click ads websites. However, this is not advisable if you are an Adsense publisher, as this is against their TOS. Better submit the referral link individually.
4. Email and Yahoo Messenger signature. Place your referrals links on your email signature as there is a possibility that the person you sent an email too will get interested and join. Also, it would be a good idea to place your link on your Yahoo Messenger status. It works for me.
5. Ask your friends to join under you. The more friends you have, the more people will sign up under you... especially if you can show them the proof of payments of each program you want them to join.
That's all for now. Good luck. If you want to make fast money, having a lot of referrals is the key. If you have something to share, please leave a comment.