Today, I'm sharing some tips on how to maximize your earnings with WidgetBucks. I've been a member of WidgetBucks for more that three weeks now and so far, I'm satisfied with it. I have nothing much to report about this program but I'm hoping you'll find the tips listed below useful. I hope they will work for you too, as they did to me.
(For about three weeks now, I've earned $10.02 from my direct earnings and $9.40 from my 12 referrals. Not so big but I think it's not bad.)Below are some tips, which I believe are useful, to maximize your earnings with WidgetBucks:
1. The first thing you should consider is the proper widget placement. Avoid placing your widget at the bottom of the page or at the footer. Based on studies, most visitors will not scroll down the page all the way to the bottom. With this, if your widgets are placed at the bottom, they will have lower chance to be clicked. Better place your ads at the sidebar or above your posts. You can also place your widgets at the header. This way, your visitors will first notice your widget.
2. Avoid using the 468×60 banner ads because it is too small to be noticed by your visitors. I recommend using the 300×250, 728×90 or 160×600 widgets.
3. Use cool and eye-catching names to your widgets to attract your visitors. I use Cool Offers, Hot Stuffs, and Recommended Products as the name of my widgets.
4. Choose a category that best suits your blog or site. If your blog deals with photography, then use the Camera Ads. Don't use a category that will contrast your blog. Like, if your blog is about computers, don't use Perfumes Ads. If you do, no one will probably click the ad.
5. Lastly, remember to blend your ads with your blog’s color schemes to avoid your visitors to be irritated with incompatible color combinations. If your blog mainly use blue, then create a blue widget.
Hope the tips listed above will be useful to you.
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