How To Get Blog Traffic? This was my frequently asked question ever since I started this blog. As we all know, without traffic means no readers and no readers means no money. Even though your blog contains the most creative contents in the Internet, if no one comes by and read your posts, your blog is as good as null and void. Every blogger is obviously more interested about getting a high traffic for their blogs, especially if they aim to make money online. I admit, the purpose of this blog is to make money online that's why just like any other bloggers, I am also concerned most with my traffic. So, how can I get the most traffic for my blog.
Actually, there are a lot of different ways to get traffic. Most bloggers have mentioned some of the ways I listed below. But there are things I have added. In case you have something to add, which I miss, please leave your comment :D
1. Get your blog indexed in Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN by focusing on the keyword on each post. Traffic from search engines is the most effective way to create traffic especially if you want to monetize your blog.
2. Submitting your blog to Blog Directories such as BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog and socialize with other bloggers. In my opinion, this is only a good way to generate traffic but will not make you money at all. It's because your fellow bloggers will only read your contents and will never click your Ads :D
3. Participating in forum sites which are related to your niche and using your blog as your signature. This is effective way to generate traffic and you can gain referrals too from your referral links.
4. Comment on other blogs related or not related to your blog. I noticed that if you leave a relevant comment on one blog, there is a big chance that the author and its readers will visit you back. However, never spam. Avoid using a single line comments such as "Nice post, visit me too" or "I love your blog" as the author may consider them as spam. Try commenting on blogs with high traffic because this can guarantee more traffic for you. Just try to make an impression with your comment. This worked for me :D
5. Submit your articles to social bookmarking sites. I don't usually do it because I am a lazy type of person. To some bloggers, they say that this step is effective. But as for me, I never proved that it works in increasing my traffic.
6. Exchange links with other blogs. This may not guarantee a high traffic but it can generate a traffic to your blog especially if you are linked to a blog with high traffic. I don't particularly exchange link this blog to other blogs. But as for my other blog, exchanging links increased my traffic in some way.
That's all from me... leave a comment if you have something to add :D