As you can see on the attached photo on this blog post, I finally reached the $25.00 minimum pay-out of Hits4pay (Click to enlarge the image). What does this means? That's right. Anytime this month, I will be receiving my first payment coming from the said program.
I am excited!!! Why? To be honest, it took me months before finally reaching the $25 goal. Actually, I joined Hit4pay last year, but I never been active since last month. I decided to give a shot and concentrate with the program. Who knows? I can make money with it. I read every email I received and gained referrals as many as I can... and viola, after almost a month, I reached the $25.00 minimum payout.
I haven't made a request yet as I wanted to make it to $30 or higher- maybe it will be reached within this week or next week... Nonetheless, I will be finally paid by this online opportunity anytime. I will give updates soon once I received the money. Another free $30 in my Paypal account is not bad. It can give a little contribution on my plan of buying my new digital camera ;0
Anyone here who had been paid by Hits4pay? Mind to share? ;0 In case you want to join, just click this. Thanks to all who joined under me...