Want to make a passive monthly income in the Internet? If your answer is "yes", then you should not miss this post as I am sharing my recent discovery about blogging. As I have mentioned before in my article "How Important Is Traffic in Blogging", I missed blogging for about 10 days due to vacation and as a consequence for that absence, I lost half of my traffic and with that I also lost almost half of my online earnings.
Sad, but instead of crying over spilled milk, I should start working hard again.
So, if you want to make free money online or simply earn a steady monthly earnings, keep posting. Never miss posting in a week as you could be losing a possible income, especially if your blog is about current events. You could post at least one article each day, every other day, or every 2 days - whenever you feel comfortable with.
That's it. To keep this blog short, remember to post regularly. Good luck to all of us... and don't forget to read How to make money without a website too.