Is there a way on how to make easy money online by writing articles? Personally, I never tried online typing. I am a lazy type of person. I am not into creating great articles. It's not because I can't, but simply because I don't like researching and making long paragraphs. If I will to create a post, I only make it not more than four short paragraphs.
I know that with online writing, I will not only make money, but most importantly can improve my grammar and sentence construction skills. But, who can't blame me. I am lazy when it comes to "long" article writing. I prefer sleeping or reading stuffs in the Internet. To tell you honestly, I only blog about three hours a day, except during busy days. I create a single post not longer than an hour. I only create posts with my blogs, and never tried submitted any article to programs that pay writers.
However, I learned that by writing content-rich article, one can easily make money online for free. How? By being a freelance writer on the internet. Are you aware that some online writers easily make up to $300 a day by writing online? Wow, right? I saw some proofs so I am convinced it's real.
So what should I do now? Forget my laziness and start creating and submitting articles. I can possibly make $20 per article... and if I were to create at least 100 quality content in a month, I can make $2,000. It may not be as easy as it may seem, but who knows I can do it. I won't find out if I won't try, ayt? I will post my progress in the future.